
Site-Specific installations

Artist as a Gardener
The Artist and the gardener both are connection maker within boundary of the garden who weaves a resilient natural web work of biologic connections.
My approach in art is to find some critical miss connections and repair them to makes changes on ecosystem and the social brain.
As an example, Permaculture gardener observes the land to find the critical points and the ways to store energy of land via different height levels also he should weave layers of life to make a complete food chain inside and above soil.
This artwork was made in corner of Lizieres land, making a protected space for vegetal life to grow. some species of plants have rooted in soil and made the construction resilient against wind.
Also birds go inside it in summer as a shelter against heat and sun.

Decay Process
My site-specific works has an aesthetic process of decaying which is found in nature. I think that decay process is a main part of production and production should be practically involved in process of decay.

Multi-Layer Ecosystem
This series of works is a part of my search on plants growth and architecture and how they can be matched via layers of their skin.
Goethe labels two kind of tendency to grow in a tree, as he explains, one is vertical which is related to male qualities of a tree and the other one is spiral and related to female quality of a tree which is concealed during the development of plant but predominates during blossoming and fruiting.
In lowest level of jungle canopy ,small trees with low light wait some decades for death of another tree for an open space in ground and light to grow. during these decades they get more and more stronger for future life in a limited space.
trees are connected to each other via their roots and share water and nutrition via rooting system allover a forest or jungle. Via this connection even a tree with stony soil and low water absorption has almost the same size as a one with nutritious and well absorbing soil. Also fungus as a guest, delivers a kind of fast connection between trees and it’s a sensing network with much higher speed which is spread everywhere usually hidden in leaves. Also trees communicate via exuding different smells as another fast communication solution. Trees mainly use these kind of connection as a biologic neurons who exist in a group.
Can we call this multi layer interwoven system as brain ?and how we can re-arrange our growth with this brain?

4 Trees Holding the Skies
This artwork was made in forrests of Ramsar province in Iran. Its location was toward the Caspian sea and between 4 trees which were planted by forrest preservation community. The linear arrangement of trees raises question of what is natural and what is synthetic?
I think, It is necessary for man to act as a role not only in observing but also in the role of the intervention of the atmosphere in nature. Intervention to modify previous interventions and return to the pre-industrial era.
We need an ultra-language experience to relate communication with the nature’s goddesses by linking the emotional and experimental layers. It is necessary to insect our skin so that the nature gods can be found in our bodies. We need to cling the rocks in our hands so that they can be found in our sleep. The sound of the creatures that have been removed is lost in the air. It’s safe to stay in many forests, without fear of wild animals, it is just as tiresome as drinking potted water next to a pure mineral spring.

Mayans Creation Tale
Yukatan Maya considered the land a cornfield of four-eyed peoples, and Popula’s epic, creation began with a vast expanse of sea and sky before the creation of the earth.
The Genkamats’ winged snake speaks with the sky with bright green and blue feathers in the water, talking about the first creation of mankind.
Only by their conversation, mountains and the earth magically flutter through the waters, and pine and cedar forests cover the landscape at once.
According to mayans tales of the creation, humans after three unsuccessful creations stories, in the fourth attempt of the heroic twins after the defeat of the gods of the underworld, are released from the world of Shibala monsters and could find the proper material for the creation of a human beings.
The journey of the corpse god and his children into the underworld ultimately ends in the creation of man from corn, which is the origin of the new man.
The current world was formed after the earthquake crocodile was killed coincided with a huge hurricane.The great crocodile is murdered to create the earth.
Immediately after the storm, four large trees in four directions and one in the center , grow to hold the sky and created the earth. Diyahu de landa refers to four heavens carriers in Yukatan’s history book. These four goddesses were called Bacobas, each in the corner of the earth to carry over the sky and prevent it from falling.

Mehr and Ahriman
In the myth of Mithraism in the battle of Mehr and Ahriman,
Ahriman creates a flood, but creates the seal of the tree and teaches humans how to make a boat and save themselves and their flocks.

On the night of Yalda, a ride on a four-horse arbiter, which marks the four main elements, ascends to the sky and becomes one with the sun.

Civilized by Wheat
From 10000 to 7000 years ago man started transition from hunter gathering stage to farming stage by passage of Neolithic revolution. some ancient grains were worshipped by ancient civilizations and they started to domesticate some species like emmer wheat and einkorn wheat.
Man started to civilize in smaller lands with more concentrated population and this had many advantages and disadvantages.
Homosapiens lost a big portion of his nutritious food which were gathered from natural areas and instead, he forced to consume domesticated grains with less nutrition.
he started to domesticate cattle to access his need for animal protein.
By changing life from hunter gatherer to sedentary life, man had to fight with many diseases and illnesses caused by cattle close to his living place.
small groups and tribes could unite and make centralized power. As a result, primitive religions and gods were made.
Man had to think about architecture of cities and power, based on geographic properties of land. initial cities had different layers for different groups s of social hierarchy and in the center the most loyal elite were positioned. Relation between farmers, kings, traders and sailors were the architecture of cities and it was a translation of social hierarchy in space and forms.
This piece was made on a wheat farm close to Raga historic area and demonstrates the idea of centralized architecture which was the result of food growing and creation of gods. The blocks of straw which demonstrates a basic architecture has bees flourished to blocks of power in post industrial era and in middle east the oil acts as the same block or barrier against the growth of liberty.

A Hole on the Roof, or a Roof on the Hole
This work was formed on a path passing from Ramsar Jungles located in Arbe-kalle mountains. It is derived from the nest of a local spider, in which it hides in a hole and looks for victims.
This body of artwork has no specified connects roof to the earth with soft curved lines and demonstrates the work of nature without making a hierarchy in space.
Animals housing is attractive for me because they make an architecture which connects earth and sky with curved surfaces without making hierarchy of height in contrast with what human does.

Wooden Mass
This art work was created inside jungles of Arbe-kalle and it is made with a mass of wood sticks. it is inspired from spider web and makes a floating surface on the jungle land located on top of a hill and close to a pathway.

A Temple on the River Bed
A temple of stone was made below a tree on river bed of Tochal mountain Area in north of Tehran. It is made with stones and filled with soil. There is a boundary made with thin spars in a groove around cubic stones. The grooves is a metaphor to a ditch which was dig around old Iranian cities.
Some spars and leafs of broken trees around by were collected and installed on top of artwork with its shining green color.

Partisan Castle
The remains of an ancient fortress utilized for military defend during Parthian era and it is now left over in dessert of Raga.
Its base is higher than desert ground level to increase security for residents during possible attacks from outside. There are excavation holes every where on the hill and broken pieces of patterned pots.
It is as if the contents of the pottery was donated to the gods of heaven.
In the view of Heidegger, the pot connects the earth and the sky, because the gift and blessedness of the pot can be mortal and part of their lives in relation to the gods whose resonance is back to heaven. He states that in The blessings of the mortals and the gods are flowing, each of them on the path to their own. Heidger felt that the earth (the soil), the heavens, the mortals and the gods formed the main conditions of being and the universe, and he called these conditions quadruple.
The enclosed cube is an asset to the nature of this castle.
Paul Hirst in the book of “Space and Power; politics, War and Architecture”States that Architecture Policies places space in the configuration of power in such a way that space becomes a source of power. It claims that space is the source of power; Therefore, architecture space should be investigated in two- dimensional space-power systems.
Power builds up within the framework of space and is reflected in architecture. inside the old and ancient buildings which is turned to historical site, the imposed power is taken out , and another kind of original power replaces previous power. This power is the sedimentation of matter but not solidified and can absorb new ideas to make new ideas and applications .
On august 17th I installed a wooden cubic temple on top of an old An old Parthian war fortress. An Afghan worker and my driver, helped me to move the wooden box on top of the castle which looked like a hill of clay. The castle is located in ”Dashte Talayie Ray” which means golden plain of Raga.
Raga was one of most important cities of Iran in Parthian reign. It had many wheat farms and a flourished farming in past.
overconsumption of underground water reservoir resulted in desertification of this area, all the water extracted from the wells is sent to an industrial city.
Castle has many holes caused by illegal digging, while leftovers of broken pots on the ground with colored patterns makes question about the conservation of this place.
Castle is close to airport and in my second visit ,guards told me that this castle used to be a place for production of sword. based on my study in old Parthian constructions, it was a partisan castle.
At that time in vast plains of raga (today named Ray) Army could easily go out of castle, make a quick attack and return back.
Because of water crisis the old city is barren now but 10 years a go some people used to live there.

Lost City of Ghale No
This city is named Ghale-No and means new fortress.
city was chosen to make some photography from installation and architecture of steel blade for wars. Pots of gold and some swords were stolen from this place according to what guard said.
This barren fortress has no sign or identity and its under control of security authorities.

Bio Power
This body of artwork is made with recycled materials filled with dried leafs and, layer of cow pad and feathers. Feathers were found on a road close to the installation. Feathers show respect to death and connects land to skies. The cow pad acts as a catalyst to speed up the process of decay and return to soil for this bio space. It has enough nutrition to become a compostable medium and a growth medium for seeds, worms, micro and macro organisms. The outside of structure is a layer of natural gum, hay, cotton and soil. The space is limited by bio power which is a house for both death and life. Feathers are a symbol of skies and worms inside the artwork connect it to underground.
This dead body is a gift to nature and it will be alive after staying in an alive atmosphere. This artwork were created in a rigid death place and were transferred to a real ecosystem. It has its own structure which will be dissolved in a bigger natural structure.